News & Comment
With help from the Together Fund Broad Street Hall hosted successful Drumming for Health sessions where participants learn to coordinate moving and playing. To find out more about Broad Street Hall and their services head to:
Read more →Health. Exchange is excited to share the success from Salus’ walking sessions to bring those with chronic fatigue together, overcome limitations and become more active. Health exchange and Sports England supported Salus through the Together Fund. Heres what Salus said about their experience: “The project has helped individuals suffering from
Read more →Health Exchange are excited to share the success Saathi House has had from their Netball sessions: Walking Netball and back-to-netball. Saathi House is an anchor organisation that is committed to supporting women to drive positive change in their lives, in their family’s lives, and in the local communities Health Exchange
Read more →No Limits To Health received funding from our Together Fund campaign and aimed to enable children, young people, and adults to experience the joys and benefits of cycling for health, wellbeing, sport & leisure; by bicycle or assisted powered cycles. They want to achieve this by events such as: No
Read more →Health Exchange has recently refreshed its Strategic Plan and is pleased to share it with our stakeholders and clients. This is a dynamic document and we welcome comments regarding its content and our ambitions. Please feel free to contact us to better inform our thinking as we move forwards. Explore
Read more →Apply for a grant for Together fund You can apply for up to £10,000 to make your ideas on tackling inequalities in sport and physical activity come to life Health Exchange has been awarded National Lottery funding from Sport England’s ‘Together Fund’ to tackle inequalities in activity levels by
Read more →Living Well Taking Control has today been announced by NHS England as 1 of 5 providers of the Healthier You: NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme (NHS DPP). LWTC will continue to deliver the face to face programme for people at risk of developing Type 2 diabetes, with Liva Healthcare providing a
Read more →We offer all of our clients the chance to complete a Customer Satisfaction Survey in order to review the impact of our services on the people that use them. Below is the outcome from September 2018
Read more →Thursday 15th November marked an important day in the Birmingham Social Enterprise calendar. Not only was it #SocialEnterpriseDay, a global celebration of all the amazing work and social value being produced by our fellow social enterprises, it was also the launch of Birmingham’s Social Enterprise City status! It’s #SocialEnterpriseDay
Read more →On Thursday 7th November, Health Exchange and Our Health Partnership (OHP) launched a new Social Prescribing programme funded by the Department of Health, Health and Wellbeing Fund. Around 40 delegates from Health Exchange, OHP, Birmingham City Council, Birmingham Community Trust, the Birmingham Mental Health Trust, Birmingham and Solihull CCG,
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