Social Prescribing

Sometimes, the answer to improving an individual’s health or wellbeing lies not in a medical prescription, but in ensuring they have company, interests and changes of scene to make them feel connected, motivated and purposeful. Or, perhaps, more exercise is needed to keep their body strong and their mind stimulated. Even if people are aware of this, they don’t always know where to start – and that’s where social prescribing comes in.

How does it work?

A member of our Social Prescribing team contacts individuals referred by their GP, or who have self-referred. They arrange to meet with the individual to discuss their needs, aspirations and preferences; then work out a plan for reaching their health goals.

Our service includes:

  • One-to-one meetings
  • Flexible appointments
  • Free access to a wide range of local services
  • Support and encouragement, to help someone find the motivation to make positive changes in their life
  • The opportunity to feel better, improve their knowledge of things they can do and support they can receive, and boost their confidence

What is Social prescribing?

Why we feel it's important?

Who will deliver it?

How will it be delivered?

Where and when will it will be delivered?

Click on one of the boxes below to find out more about our Social Prescribing services in those areas: