As part of the USE-IT (Unlocking Social and Economic Innovation Together) project, Health Exchange is facilitating the development of a Health Consortium that will serve the Ladywood, Soho and Smethwick wards of Birmingham. The consortium will form part of a place-based stream of development that aims to improve the prospects and wellbeing of the local population. It will focus on tackling health inequalities through empowering its citizen’s ability to sustain take control of their own health and wellbeing and help bridge the gap between assets and opportunities.
The aim of the consortium is to build on the capacity and knowledge base of third sector organisations to deliver a range of holistic health services at the point of need. The areas of support are predominantly focused on mental health, social prescribing, carers and social care, wellbeing, supporting primary care and building a community infrastructure around the new hospital.
The Health Consortium will be open to organisations of all sizes and stages of development and will be able to support smaller organisations to grow and expand within its framework.
Following a series of events to build networks of community organisations, assets and aspiring social entrepreneurs with a common interest, we are delivering the first in a series of workshops to support the developing health consortium, and its future members.
The next stage of the development of the consortium is the first workshop. This is open to organisations that have already expressed an interest in being part of the consortium’s formation as well as any social enterprise or aspiring social entrepreneur with an interest in health in one of the three areas of focus.
The workshop will look at raising awareness of the importance and need of the health marketplace and key priorities. It will feature guest speaker Graham Beaumont, CEO of Health Exchange and Chair of the Living Well Consortium. He will discuss how a consortium works together to deliver healthcare services, the best ways to deliver NHS contracting within the consortium framework and upcoming opportunities for the health consortium in Ladywood, Soho and Smethwick.
Membership applications for the Health Consortium are still open and the workshop will also provide a support clinic for those looking to join. The workshop is being held on Tuesday 6th February at 10.30am at the Deaf Cultural Centre, Ladywood Road, Birmingham, B16 8SZ. If you would like to attend please email to confirm your place.
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