We offer all of our clients the chance to complete a Customer Satisfaction Survey in order to review the impact of our services on the people that use them. Below is the outcome from September 2018
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On Thursday 7th November, Health Exchange and Our Health Partnership (OHP) launched a new Social Prescribing programme funded by the Department of Health, Health and Wellbeing Fund. Around 40 delegates from Health Exchange, OHP, Birmingham City Council, Birmingham Community Trust, the Birmingham Mental Health Trust, Birmingham and Solihull CCG,
Read more →This week, The King’s Fund hosted their largest conference to date focusing on social prescribing, where attendees were able to find out what learning has been made from the different social prescribing models already being implemented across the country and what resources are there available for the expansion of social
Read more →Health Exchange awarded Health and Wellbeing Fund to deliver 3 year Social Prescribing Programme across Birmingham. Health Exchange are pleased to announce that its proposal to the Department of Health’s VCSE Health and Wellbeing Fund has been successful. In partnership with Our Health Partnership, the programme will support GPs to
Read more →Social enterprises have a long history in delivering, supporting and influencing health and social care provision in the UK. The number of social enterprises working in the health and social care sector is growing. They make up over a third of organisations registered to Social Enterprise UK, delivering mental health
Read more →On Tuesday 6th February, Health Exchange, as part of the USE-IT project, hosted the first workshop in the development of a new health consortium. The aim of the workshop was to bring together potential members of the consortium to discuss market opportunities and key priorities. Graham Beaumont, CEO of Health
Read more →We offer all of our clients the chance to complete a Customer Satisfaction Survey in order to review the impact of our services on the people that use them. Below is the outcome from November & December 2017
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