Posts Tagged healthcare

Health Exchange Welcomes…

Health Exchange Welcomes...

We have been undergoing an exciting time of change at Health Exchange as we have said a fond farewell to Graham Beaumont after ten years of service and welcomed in our new CEO, Ron Owttrim. Ron comes to us with plenty of experience after over 20 years working in healthcare

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Combatting the Type 2 diabetes challenge

Combatting the Type 2 diabetes challenge

Type 2 diabetes is one of the greatest healthcare challenges faced by modern society but many of the consequences of the condition, both medical and financial, can be avoided through better management of the condition. At Health Exchange we are using education and innovation to combat the Type 2 diabetes

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EASYCare cited as one of the key innovations needed to address healthcare challenges

EASYCare cited as one of the key innovations needed to address healthcare challenges

The link below is a report published by the International Longevity Centre (ILC-UK) that was launched last week. It is titled ‘Towards affordable healthcare: Why effective innovation is key’ and cites EASYCare as one of the key innovations needed to address the challenges of 21st Century healthcare system. Health Exchange have been

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