The Healthier You: NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme has been running in Sefton since June 2016, supporting individuals to lead healthier lifestyles and reduce their risk of developing Type 2 diabetes. The programme lasts for 52 weeks and consists of a 7 week education phase and a further 5 follow-up sessions
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Casper has been working for Living Well Taking Control since the Diabetes Prevention Programme first launched in St Helen’s in January 2017. He worked with some of the very first participant’s to join a programme in the area, including Cohort 22 (pictured above). Casper’s role is to facilitate the members
Read more →NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme achieving great results in the West Midlands Margaret is one of 2,716 Birmingham, Sandwell & Solihull residents in the region to benefit from the NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme; a free personalised tailored service for people at risk of Type 2 diabetes. The programme provides advice on
Read more →Type 2 diabetes is one of the greatest healthcare challenges faced by modern society but many of the consequences of the condition, both medical and financial, can be avoided through better management of the condition. At Health Exchange we are using education and innovation to combat the Type 2 diabetes
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