The Project
For the past year, Health Exchange CIC has been a partner in USE-IT (Unlocking Social and Economic Innovation Together), a UIA project funded by the European regional development fund. The aim of the project is to address the reality of poverty and underemployment amongst indigenous and migrant populations leading to increased social, economic and environmental isolation. The project aims to do this by using existing social, cultural and educational micro and macro assets in the Ladywood, Soho and Smethwick wards of Birmingham.
For more information about USE-IT click here.
The Health Consortium
The role of Health Exchange will focus on tackling health inequalities through empowering its citizen’s ability to take and sustain control of their own health and wellbeing. We will develop new and innovative mechanisms that will unlock the potential of the local community; bridging the gap between assets and opportunities through the development of a new Health Consortium. The aim of the consortium is to build on the capacity and knowledge base of third sector organisations to deliver a range of holistic health services at the point of need. The Consortium, on behalf of the members, will proactively seek out new funding and business development opportunities and ensures smooth and efficient contract management. The Health Consortium is open to organisations of all sizes and stages of development and will be able to support smaller organisations to grow and expand within its framework.
We are committed to identifying up and coming market opportunities for social enterprises to enter the health and wellbeing market place. These include, carers, personal budgets, primary care, mental health and social prescribing. These opportunities are exclusively shared with network members and partners within The Health Consortium. Organisations are given support and training to develop their services and access these new opportunities.
To find out more please email:
To stay up to date with all USE-IT activity, take a look at our Facebook page.
Soho SEN
The development and engagement with a new social enterprise network Soho SEN (Social Enterprise Network), where network members from Ladywood, Soho and Smethwick wards come to access new information, develop news ideas grow new partnerships and create new trade opportunities. The aim of the network is to develop links between local people, businesses, public sector bodies, local groups and local investors to create a body of like-minded people keen to connect with, and support community-rooted entrepreneurs and social producers. The network will facilitate collaborations for sharing skills and resources creatively through regular meet-ups and an online platform. The Network helps local people to develop their enterprise skills and trade their way out of poverty and social exclusion.
If you’d like to know more about SOHO SEN please visit: