National Social Prescribing Day
As part of the national academy for Social Prescribing’s (NASP) National Social Prescribing Day, Health Exchange are brining together partner organisations, link workers and community groups across Coventry and Warwickshire to celebrate successes. On March 09, these stakeholders will come together to celebrate what effective social prescribing looks like and to understand ways that collaborative working can be fostered in order to further support patients. Social Prescribing Day is an annual celebration of social prescribing, recognising link workers, local community groups and regional and national organisations which support people’s health and wellbeing. Since 2019, thousands of organisations, link workers, medical professionals, academics and students have taken part across the country and around the world. As part of this celebration, HEX are hosting an event to bring system partners together.
What will the event cover
The event, hosted by the Coventry and Warwickshire Community Social Prescribing team will showcase some of the successes of Health Exchange social prescribers in the community across Coventry and Warwickshire. This includes sharing case studies around the impact that community social prescribing has and how staff contribute to broader community capacity building. Findings and reflections from across the social prescribing system will be provided and there will also be time for networking so social prescribers can build additional connections with service providers to ensure patients and community members can be supported.
Event plan – March 09
1000: Welcome and introductions
1015: Overview and successes of Coventry and Warwickshire Community Social Prescribing
1050: Reflections on System/Gap analysis Findings
1120: Break
1125: Breakout rooms
1155: wrap and summary
How to sign up
To sign up please complete the registration form.